Under the implementation of the plastic restriction order, paper straws will replace some plastic straws

In our daily life, straws seem to have become a standard feature whether it is milk, beverages in supermarkets, or beverages in restaurants and cafes. But do you know the origin of straws?


The straw was invented by Marvin Stone in the United States in 1888. In the 19th century, Americans liked to drink cold light fragrant wine. In order to avoid the heat in the mouth, the freezing strength of the wine was reduced, so they did not drink it directly from the mouth, but used hollow natural straw to drink it, but the natural straw is easy to break and its own flavor will also seep into the wine. Marvin, a cigarette maker, took inspiration from cigarettes to create a paper straw. After tasting the paper straw, it was found that it would neither break nor smell strange. Since then, people have used straws when drinking cold beverages. But after the invention of plastic, paper straws were replaced by colorful plastic straws.


Plastic straws are basically common in daily life. Although they are convenient for people's lives, plastic straws will not decompose naturally and are almost impossible to recycle. The impact of random discarding on the ecological environment is immeasurable. Only in the USA, people throw away 500 million straws every day. According to "one less straw", these straws together can circle the earth two and a half times. In recent years, with the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, coupled with the introduction of the national "plastic restriction order" and the introduction of environmental protection policies, people have begun to vigorously promote the use of more environmentally friendly paper straws.

Compared with plastic straws, paper straws also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: Paper straws are environmentally friendly, recyclable and easy to degrade, which can better save resources.

Disadvantages: high production cost, not very firm after touching water for long time, and it will melt when the temperature is too high.

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In view of the shortcomings of paper straws, we give some tips as below.

First of all, when drinking, the contact time of drink should be shortened as much as possible, so as to avoid the straw becoming weak after prolonged contact and affecting the taste.

Secondly, try not to put in too cold or overheated drink, better not to exceed 50°C. Because of excessive temperature the straw will dissolve.

Finally, the use process should avoid bad habits, such as biting straws. It will produce debris and contaminate the drink.

But usually, the paper straws produced by Jiawang, can be soaked in water for more 

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Post time: Mar-04-2022